Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who am I

Hi there. My name is Josh and until just recently I was as Swedish as the next guy but the last couple of days I've been feeling more and more American, well both anyway.

I alredy have a blog written in Swedish so why get out on thin ice and write one in English as well you might think. I sure did before I decided to go ahead with it. Because some very important people in my life don't know any Swedish and Googles translations aren't the best. Well perhaps Google and I will turn out to be as god or bad as eachother but still this is a way for me to share some of my thoughts with the people I love. This won't be a diary full of every day things eventhough they might occur from time to time. This will be more of a valve to let out some steam and tell a story or two. You might say it's a way to honor my roots, the very same people for whom I'm writing this.

Keep one thing in mind though, even though I was American my first 4-5 years I've been Swedish the last 35 so I'm a bit rusty at this.

Reday? Let's go then.

Expect the least to gain the most.


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